Holodomor Heroes

Holodomor Heroes

When teaching topics as complex and weighty as the Holodomor, crimes against humanity, and genocide, it can be easy to cover facts and figures without fully understanding the ordinary humans affected by the extraordinary times of history. Holodomor Heroes is a series of basic fact sheets designed to address the 5W’s of journalism. The fact sheets focus on a brief bio of each hero of the Holodomor, what they did and why they are heroes. Each chose to act during the tragic events of the time and had the courage to tell and show the truth about what they had witnessed. They warned the world, spoke out against injustice, and helped bring awareness. Knowing their stories teaches us how we can choose to act in the face of adversity and extreme danger.

SERIES 1: Truth Tellers – The first journalists to write about the Holodomor

The power of journalism exposes the truth about those in government who attempt to hide their activities or secrets and brings out information about ordinary people whose lives were disrupted by such world-changing events as the Holodomor. This first series presents the 3 journalists who first wrote about the Holodomor at the time it was happening. They wrote their stories despite the denial and disinformation of Stalin’s Soviet regime about the man-made famine.

These basic fact sheets are designed as educational tools for class work and study by educators and students. They provide the most relevant and accurate information for a quick overview of each journalist’s historical facts and writings about the Holodomor, highlighting their key details, quotations, articles and resources. Because they are formulated around the 5Ws, they can be used for comparative group assignments or as background information to learning tools of the teacher’s choosing.


Rhea Clyman

Rhea Clyman

The First Western Journalist to Expose the Holodomor.


Gareth Jones – The first western journalist to describe the Holodomor as a planned

Gareth Jones

The first western journalist to describe the Soviet Ukrainian famine — the Holodomor — as a man-made famine. He is often referred to as a ‘Hero of Ukraine.’