In commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932–1933, the Genocidal Famine in Ukraine

A downloadable educational pamphlet with teaching resources to use for Holodomor Memorial Day
Holodomor Memorial Day – November 23, 2018
A genocide begins with the killing of one person, not because of what he has done, but because of who he is.
Holodomor Memorial Day is November 23, 2018. For schools (4th Friday of November).
Worldwide, Holodomor Memorial Day is November 24 (4th Saturday of November).
Basic Facts
- The Famine was perpetrated by the government of the Soviet Union against the population of Ukraine.
- Stalin issued a series of policies that led to genocide by starvation in Ukraine.
- The Holodomor occurred in a time of peace, not as a result of war or natural disaster.
- Food was used as a weapon.
- Wheat and other grains were confiscated from farmers by the Communist government. Some of it was sold for export to fund Stalin’s Five-Year Plan.
- The Holodomor was denied, covered up and ignored by the world for over 5 decades.
- Millions of innocent people died.
- 28,000* people died per day at the height of the Holodomor in June of 1933.
- 31% of those who died were children under the age of 10.
- The cultural, religious and political leadership of Ukraine was largely destroyed by imprisonment, deportation and executions during the 1930s.
* according to the latest research
Prepared by the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium and the Holodomor Education Team of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
The Toronto District School Board has prepared two teaching units on the Holodomor for the World History and World Politics Grade 12 courses (2009). It is available to school boards upon request.
Memorial Day Announcement
November is the month of remembrance, and this year marks the 85th commemoration of the Holodomor, one of the major genocides of the 20th century. Holodomor means death inflicted by starvation. In 1932 – 1933 Ukraine was devastated by a famine caused by the policies of Stalin and his Communist government. Millions died, but it was denied, covered up and ignored for over 50 years.
There was no drought, nor any shortage of grain in the fields. The Holodomor took place in a time of peace. While millions of men, women and children were dying in Ukraine, the government of the Soviet Union confiscated wheat and other grains from Ukraine to be exported and sold to other countries, and to feed its own population in industrializing cities. Many Ukrainian villages had all food taken away as well, leaving farmers and their families with nothing to eat. Food was thus used as a weapon. 31% of those who died of starvation were children under the age of 10.
International relief organizations offered to provide aid for the starving, only to be turned away by the Soviet regime which insisted there was no famine in Ukraine, and thus no victims to help. To even speak of the Famine was forbidden in the Soviet Union for decades. Many who survived could not tell their story even to their own families. Denial of the Holodomor continues to this day in some countries, despite the mounting evidence and testimony of survivors.
Fake news is not a modern phenomenon. Journalist Walter Duranty wrote articles in The New York Times denying famine in Ukraine and attacking those who wrote about it. He is now discredited. Others, like Canada’s Rhea Clyman, wrote about the starvation and suffering, but not enough people were listening.
In Canada, the federal government along with five provinces, including Ontario, have designated today as Holodomor Memorial Day. As we take a moment to remember the victims of the Holodomor, let us also reflect on the actions we can take daily to combat genocide and the abuse of human rights in our world.
Educational Resources
Holodomor: Voices of Survivors
A 30 minute DVD with firsthand accounts of 25 Canadian survivors who tell their stories as children during the Holodomor.
The Soviet Story
The first 11 minutes are an excellent introduction to the Holodomor.
Hunger For Truth: The Rhea Clyman Story
The Canadian journalist and eyewitness of the Holodomor in Ukraine was amongst the first to write about it.
Genocide Revealed
This award-winning documentary features personal and historical archival information on the Holodomor. Educational versions are available on DVD in 26 & 52 minute segments.
Harvest of Despair
This award-winning documentary provides background information with media coverage from the 1930s.
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre 416-966-1819,,
Stalin’s Secret Genocide
Provides reflections from Holodomor researchers on various aspects of the story in a 15 minute overview.
Bitter Harvest
A feature film presenting life in Ukraine before and during the Holodomor through the life of two young adults.
Holodomor Research & Education Consortium (HREC)
Teaching materials, lesson plans and other resources and educational materials.
Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre (UCRDC)
Share the Story: Short excerpts of 80 Canadian survivors of the Holodomor.
Edmonton Catholic School District
Lesson plans and suggested activities for all grades.
Manitoba Education and Training
Lesson plans and suggested activities for all grades.
Connecticut Holodomor Committee
“Exposing the Ukrainian Holodomor–How starvation was used as a political weapon”
Unit 2, Chapter 5
To book speakers and workshops and to visit, view exhibits and hear survivor testimonies from the archives, contact:
Holodomor Research & Education Consortium (HREC)
Prepares educational materials. Conducts teacher training sessions, workshops, class visits and presentations.
Phone: 416 923 4732
Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre (UDRDC)
UCRDC conducts class visits and presentations featuring testimonies of survivors and their children, shows documentary fifilms and exhibits photos and posters.
Phone: 416 966 1819
Both are located at: 620 Spadina Avenue, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5S 2H4
Holodomor In Ukraine,
The Genocidal Famine: 1932-1933
by V. Kuryliw, Edmonton: CIUS Press, 2018
Teaching materials, lesson plans and assignments with straightforward, sensible and basic information about the Famine. The book is accessible, instantly useable and packed with ideas and photocopiable resources.
Red Famine: Stalin’s War On Ukraine
by A. Applebaum, NY: Doubleday Books, 2017 An authoritative book on the Ukrainian genocide based on the most recent research.
The Holodomor Reader
by B. Klid & A. Motyl, Edmonton: CIUS Press, 2012 A collection of key texts and materials.
Stalin’s Genocides
by N. Naimark, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010
Features the Holodomor and other genocides of the Soviet period.
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
by T. Snyder, New York: Basic Books, 2010
One major chapter specifically on the Holodomor.
Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: Documents and Materials
by R. Pyrih, Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008
73 archival documents with correspondence about the Holodomor.
Print copies:
E-version: resources-list/pyrih-documents/
The Holodomor Mobile Classroom
Take students beyond the textbook.
An innovative educational tool featuring a state of the art, interactive mobile learning space to educate students across Canada about the Holodomor.
Accommodating 33 students, the HMC features a 60-minute facilitator-led immersive learning experience with thought- provoking videos on the Holodomor and interactive learning activities that promote social responsibility and global awareness. The program supports teachers in meeting provincial curriculum expectations while promoting 21st century skills – including digital literacy and critical thinking.
Students leave empowered to protect Canadian values of freedom and democracy.
To book the Holodomor Mobile Classroom
Holodomor National Awareness Tour
Phone: 416 966 9800
Toronto Holodomor Memorial
Unveiled in October 2018 for the 85th Commemoration of the Holodomor in Ukraine, the Bitter Memories of Childhood monument is by sculptor Petro Drozdovsky.
Located just NE of the Princes’ Gate entrance of the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) grounds, the memorial site includes pathways into a small park that progress through to a series of expressive contemplative symbols where students can learn about the Holodomor on their way to see this iconic sculpture.
Other Holodomor memorials in Canada may be viewed in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Regina.
April Is Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation & Prevention Month
On April 24, 2015, the House of Commons unanimously passed a historic motion (M-587) to recognize the month of April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month.
Canada has been affected by many genocides and recognizes: the Armenian Genocide, the Ukrainian Holodomor, the Jewish Holocaust, the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda and the Genocide in Bosnia. The Canadian Parliament has also recognized the ongoing genocide being committed against the Yezidi in Syria and Iraq today.
Educators are encouraged to take time in April to remember those who suffered and lost their lives in the Holodomor and other genocides, to commit to using education to protect and defend human rights and dignity everywhere, and to stand up against prejudice, hate and other forms of exclusionary practices that are known precursors to crimes against humanity.
Prepared by the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium and the Holodomor Education Team of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
The Toronto District School Board has prepared two teaching units on the Holodomor for the World History and World Politics Grade 12 courses (2009). It is available to school boards upon request.