How Ukraine's Holodomor Famine Was Secretly Photographed
A short video with information about Alexander Wienerberger’s photographs in the Cardinal Theodor Innitzer Collection, RFERL
WatchA short video with information about Alexander Wienerberger’s photographs in the Cardinal Theodor Innitzer Collection, RFERL
WatchThe Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation recently released their annual poll for the year 2019, revealing that over one third of the millennial generation view communism favorably, 15% believing that the world would be “better off ” if the Soviet Union still existed.
ListenIn 1932, the Ukraine was a thriving farming nation. At the time, Joseph Stalin was trying to take back control. He wanted to collectivize all farms and bring all agriculture under state control.
ListenThere are excerpts of interviews of survivors of Stalin's forced famine in Ukraine in 1933.
WatchHolodomor in Ukraine: the Genocidal Famine 1932-1933 -- Learning Materials for Teachers and Students by Valentina Kuryliw
WatchValentina Kuryliw talks about the Holodomor and her family history for Unit 2: Chapter 5 of FAST’s learning unit on Genocide
WatchDigitization of the historic First Holodomor Symposium in the world, held in 1983 in Montreal, reconstructed by Yuri Luhovy from decaying archived films and an invaluable part of the history of the early steps taken in the memorialization of the Holodomor in North America. Symposium speakers include James Mace, Roman Serbyn, Wsevolod Isajiw (Videos are in both Ukrainian and in English languages)
Watch videosThis video is a 7 min. short introduction to the Holodomor from the perspective of a single family’s experiences. Valentina Kuryliw, a child of 2 Holodomor survivors, tells the tale of the consequences of the Holodomor on her family members’ lives and recalls incidences of how and why they were able to survive, illustrated with archival and family photographs. In English with French subtitles.
WatchGenocide Revealed exposes Moscow’s policy of genocide against the Ukrainian nation. The film focuses on the 1932-33 man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine engineered by Stalin’s regime against the rural population,and the accompanied decimation of the national elite and destruction of Ukraine’s historical past. It reveals one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century. Millions perished.
Buy DVDThe story of Holodomor survivor Eugenia Sakevych-Dallas, her childhood and resilience, and her journey from 1928 to 2013 to freedom, from Ukraine to the United States. A video by Yuliya Fedorovych.
WatchUsing visual language that reclaims the style of Soviet constructivist posters, the imagery reinterprets and animates traditional Ukrainian embroidery while depicting the history and consequences of the genocide of Ukrainians orchestrated by the Soviet Union.
WatchA short 15 minute video in which artist Yuliya Fedorovych succinctly explains and gives historical context for each of her 10 posters in the video HØLØDØMØR and their meanings.