Harvest of Despair
Documentary film produced by the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentary Centre in 1983. Director: Slavko Novytsky. Received numerous international awards.
(DVD available: www.ucrdc.org; info@ucrdc.org
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Documentary films are an excellent way of connecting students with complex historical content. They provide background information, an analysis of the event, and present points of interest for further study. In the case of the Holodomor the cover-up and denial are an integral part of the study of this genocide and the use of archival materials, with eye witness accounts, differing viewpoints helps shed some insight into understanding the events of the past.
Documentary film produced by the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentary Centre in 1983. Director: Slavko Novytsky. Received numerous international awards.
(DVD available: www.ucrdc.org; info@ucrdc.org
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Documentary film by Yurij Luhovy, Montreal. Most recent internationally acclaimed documentary on the Famine-Genocide. Based on survivor testimonies, commentaries by historians, declassified Soviet archival documents and rare historical footage. Educational release available (26 min & 52 min) www.yluhovy.com
One of the best up to date histories of the Soviet Union, including the Ukrainian Holodomor. Good section of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement. DVD may be purchased for schools. https://www.amazon.com/Soviet-Story-Edvins-Snore/dp/B00BJH1IW2
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Voices of Survivors – 2014 – Ariadna Ochrymych – Highlighting Canadian Survivors of the Holodomor, who were children during the 1930’s.
CanadInns, Winnipeg, 2008. A short account of the Holodomor as seen through the eyes of 12 eyewitnesses now living in Canada. Excellent resource available for schools.
A feature film presenting life in Ukraine before and during the Holodomor through the life of two young adults.
Welsh journalist Gareth Jones risks his life to expose the truth about the devastating famine in Soviet Ukraine in the early 1930s.